Two Things 1. Yesterday, we tried out the wrap successfully for the second time. I had tried him in it several times since the weekend at my parents', but each time he just cried and cried. Not a happy camper. But yesterday, I wanted to clean up the kitchen, but he didn't want to be put down. So, I crossed my fingers, held my breath, and put him in. After 10 minutes of resting comfortably against me, he fell asleep and stayed asleep for about 45 minutes. It was really sweet being able to hold him close like that. 2. Yesterday, after a good night of sleep the night before (thanks to swaddling him), I decided that swaddling is a must. But, the swaddles and blankets we have keep him too warm or are way too small. So, I bought some muslin swaddling blankets. I chose these because they're lightweight, breathe better, and are HUGE. I swaddled him last night, and although he didn't sleep quite as well as the night before (he managed to do a ...