You know the flowers I moved the other day? Well, I fixed my hot chocolate and then headed outside to check on them this morning before I got Jack up for breakfast. Here they are, alongside the amaryllis bulb I planted the next day. I'm aware amaryllis flowers usually bloom in December, but this one had already started growing out of the bulb. In the empty pot. In the garage. In the dark. So...I went ahead and planted it. Each morning after breakfast, Jack has Art time (play-doh, coloring with crayons or markers, painting, stickers) for 30 minutes before playing in his room. This morning, I pulled out the gallon bag of stickers his Nonny gave him, and he set to work pairing up stickers that matched. I guess technically today our Art time was Math time. Also, he's 22 months old today! I can't believe he's almost two years old :(. After running errands as a family, I popped some bacon in the oven (300* for 28 reminder for next time!), and i...