1. Not that this is any indicator of how well a nap will go, but the last couple of days, Jack has started doing something really cute. When we walk into his mostly dark bedroom, he sometimes starts fussing a little bit (especially if I haven't been watching the clock and he's gotten a little overtired). But, as soon as I turn on his white noise machine, he squeals and kicks his legs and rubs his face on my shoulder. He's excited and happy he gets to rest, haha! He's a turkey. And, he is every bit his parents' child! 2. We tried out a church on Sunday that we had visited once before. It was fine, but we still miss our church very much. Couldn't they just move here, haha?! In all seriousness, if you've moved and had to find a new church home, how did you go about it? Did you constantly compare the new church(es) to your old one?