Thirty Days of Thankfulness - Day 15

The month is already half-way over, and we're exactly one week away from Thanksgiving!  Does it feel like this month has flown to anybody else??  Honestly, I'm so looking forward to Thanksgiving Day (and the subsequent days off from work!).  It's such a nice time to catch up with family and friends.  And, to catch up on sleep!

On to Day 15 of my Thirty Days of Thankfulness posts...

Today, I am MOST thankful for forgiveness.

It's amazing that we're forgiven for every sin we've ever committed the minute, the second, we trust in Jesus Christ.

And, because we are called to be like Christ, to live as He lived, to love as He loves, we are also told to forgive as He forgives.

I'm super thankful that The Husband forgives me when I have caused problems, and I am happy to offer that same forgiveness out of obedience to the One who loves me and has set me free.

Plus, it just feels plain good.
It may feel awesome in the moment to hold tightly to that anger and frustration and to feel justified for those harsh feelings, but I can't explain how amazing it feels to let that stuff go!  Once I utter those three words (I.  Forgive. You.) or someone speaks them to me, a weight has been lifted.  Immediately.  I can see beyond the ugliness that has clouded my vision.

I think this Psalm sums it up for me.  It's a beautiful song written by David about what it feels like to confess and be forgiven.  Just chock-full of wisdom.  Read it out loud if you don't believe me ;)

I think I like verses 10 and 11 the best.

May "His constant love" surround you.

I'm thankful I get to forgive and to be forgiven over and over again.


  1. Yes, sweetheart, a huge burden is always lifted off our hearts when we say those healing words, "I forgive you" and "I'm sorry." Anger really, really eats away at our souls and sits in the pits of our stomachs!! Love you.


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