Oliver Flynn - 10 Months Old
Oliver is 10 months old today!
He still has the sweetest disposition.
He gives open-mouth kisses willingly and often.
He says “mama,” “dada,” and “buhbuh” but doesn’t really direct them at anyone in particular.
He scoots but doesn’t crawl yet. He’s so close though.
He tries to pull up on us but not on anything else. Thankfully!
He has two teeth.
His eyes are still brilliantly blue.
His grin is infectious.
He squeals and chuckles and babbles and keeps us all entertained.
He takes two long naps a day and often a cat nap in the late afternoons.
He sleeps around 11 hours every night without waking.
He nurses 5 or 6 times a day and has tried a few finger foods but doesn’t eat solids on a regular basis. He likes shredded cheese, bites of potato off my spoon, Cheerios, and a few tiny pieces of apple. He did not like the baked carrots and vomited them right up. It was gross.
What's not to love! He is a coopie doll (as Ella would say) and has us all wrapped around his sweet little fingers. He'll be crawling and pulling up soon. Love you.