To Ella--With Love on Your 2nd Birthday

Hello Love! 
It's your birthday! 
We spent our last morning together this way. No more after-waking nursings. We were down to only once a day, and I don't think you'll miss it, but I think there will be days that I will. I'll miss those quiet snuggles before our crazy day begins. I'm pretty darn proud of us for making it two years :)
Nana and Grandpa stayed with Jack while you, me, and Daddy went to the park. You had such a fun time exploring and climbing and swinging and running. 
Now that you and your brother are resting, I thought I'd jot down a few things about you, my sweet girl. 

You are DELIGHTFUL and smart and funny and give the sweetest hugs and kisses! 
And you are sassy, which is something we are working with you to tone down. Because 2-year-old sassy can be cute. 10-year-old sassy, not so much. 
You love your brother and ask for him when he's not in the room. You play chase and hide-and-seek together and do so with squeals and giggles.
You love to look at books and play with your babies and explore outside. 
Your vocabulary is taking off, and my favorite word to hear you say currently is "umbrella." :) Your favorite words are "oh no! Bubba! Help me! Read book!" and all are said with much excitement or determination. 

Ella Hope, you were a surprise and a blessing to us two years ago, and you have made our family's days brighter than we could have ever imagined. 

Happy 2nd birthday, Baby Girl! 
We adore you!


  1. Happy, happy birthday to our sweet Ella Bella. She always brings a smile to our faces, and we love her determination (from her walk to playing). Glad she has had a wonderful special day. Love, NaNa and Grandpa

  2. Happy Birthday!



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