Two Things Tuesday (5/24)
1. I decided that for the summer months, we'd do a simpler learning-time routine. I found this on Pinterest and modified it to fit our days.
Instead of choosing books and basing learning time activities around them, I'll choose books and won't worry about making lesson plans to go along with them. Simple summer :)
We already began the new routine this week with cooking together on Monday. I had to get the soup in the crockpot by 8am, so it would be ready by lunch. I took the kids from their beds straight to the kitchen counter before changing them or even feeding them haha. But they enjoyed helping :). Please ignore their mismatched pajamas!
Ella enjoyed playing with the beans and did so on that blanket for nearly 30 minutes with no breaks and almost no interaction with me other than to show me her big scoops every once in a while :)
2. Our first harvest of our mini cucumbers!! I'm like a proud parent, and it's so ridiculous how excited I got when I saw they were ready to be picked! The kids came out with me and helped me choose the two biggest. These are ready when they are between 3-6 inches.
They were my taste-testers, and they approved!
The bummer is that I realized I missed a few female flowers when I was out the other day, so they won't produce any :/
WOW! Cucs already! I love the kids are excited to help with the cooking. It's good to have a relaxed summer. Love you.