Our Stars

A month ago, The Husband and I watched the movie The Fault in our Stars.
Great movie. I'll watch it again. 
Two days ago, I started reading the book The Fault in our Stars. I'm two chapters from the end, and I'm already thinking about reading it again. I want my own copy (I'm reading the library's copy that I had to wait months for) that I can highlight and make notes in.
Because, y'all. 
This. Book. Is. Allkindsofamazing. 

It's one of the funniest, most-insightful, raw, and just beautiful books I've ever read. 

(Jack and I are looking out the window as I type, and the fall leaves are so pretty...)

I've giggled out loud and cried, and all I keep thinking is that I wish I were reading this with someone, so we could laugh and smile and sigh at the same moments. I'm going to beg The Husband to let me read it out loud to him when I start over :). 
If you haven't read it, do it! Go now. I'll wait. 
I have so many quotes I want to pour over again and again and write down and memorize and place on sticky notes around the house. Do you have a favorite? Or five?

And just because. 
This boy. He keeps signing "all done", and I keep taking his picture :)

And this girl. 


  1. Guess I'll need to read the book, so we can talk about it! You are the mother of two precious stars!! Ella's smile is so pretty and, Jack, well Jack is just adorable!!!! Love you.


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