A Scare and The Name Game

This past Sunday evening, I had some pretty heavy bleeding.  It was completely scary, but The Husband stayed calm, and I stayed mostly calm.  I laid on the couch and called The Bestie while he cleaned everything up.  I've had spotting before, but it's never been like that.  So, I waited and prayed and rested.  I played music by my belly, and Baby Boy just moved and danced right along.  I was very reassured.  No more bleeding has occurred since then, but I would ask for your prayers that that was a one-time occurrence and that both the baby and I are fine.  I do have an appointment with my doctor on Thursday upon her request, so I may have an exam or an ultrasound or both.  I think to see him would be reassuring, but I'm feeling pretty at peace right now and trusting in God to heal whatever the problem was and protect the baby in the process, so I'm not feeling like I need an ultrasound.  However, I won't turn down the chance to see him :)

With a scare like that came the desire to choose a name.  Like now.  My parents came into town yesterday, and while we were out to eat, we told them some of our name choices.  The Husband and I have been at odds over the first name.  After discussing our main two first name choices, I threw out a combination.  His first name choice and my middle name choice along with a few stipulations.

The Husband smiled and said he liked it.  My parents liked it.

And, just like that, we had chosen our son's name.  The Husband suggested I put a poll up on here to see what you guys think of our  name choices and to see if you can guess correctly.  Our immediate families and super close friends know, but they are free to vote, too.  Really, if you're one of the people who know already, you could choose the one YOU like versus the one we chose.  We actually like all of the names on our list; it was the combination that was throwing us off.  We can't see who votes what, so it won't hurt our feelings if you totally hated the name we told you last night, haha!

So, have at it.  Click your choice, click vote, then watch as the votes tally up.

Which name do you think we've chosen?
pollcode.com free polls 


  1. Well, I won't vote since I know what Baby Love's name is! Will be excited to see how many get it right. :) So good seeing you yesterday and briefly this morning. Love you.


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