
Yesterday was my second prenatal appointment, and because there was lots of information given, I decided I'd just type it all out, both for my benefit and the benefit of others. 

My appointment was at 3:45, but I didn't actually see the doctor until 5:15ish.  That was a long, anxious wait.  I can't tell you how hard my heart raced that whole time worrying that something was wrong.  I was near panic, and The Husband prayed with me when he could see I was near tears.  These last three weeks, I've been so fearful, and I've just HATED it.  I've never lived my life in fear before, and I don't ever want to live like that again.  It's emotionally and physically EXHAUSTING.

Our friends and family have been surrounding us in prayer, and yesterday, they just COVERED us.  And y'all, it was amazing.

The doctor came into the ultrasound room all smiles and full of hope, which was so nice.  She knows how we've been feeling, and she understands our nervousness.  She's a very kind, very understanding doctor.  She began the ultrasound, and there was our sweet baby. She did some measurements, we got the heart rate (good!), and then, as we were talking, our doctor said, "Look!"  Our baby was just a dancing away in there!  Kicking those little legs and moving those teeny arms.  It was such a sweet sight, and it had us all beaming and laughing.  Now, I realize at this point, those movements are spontaneous; the baby has no control over large movements like that.  But.  It was such a precious sight and such a beautiful reminder that God is in control and is definitely in the details.  He knew my anxiety, and I believe that was a little extra joy sent directly from Him. Thankfully, amazingly, that video of our baby dancing keeps playing itself over and over again in my mind, and now I can focus on that instead of my fears.  I'm incredibly grateful for that gift.

The doctor does want me to see a maternal-fetal specialist in a few weeks because of my history.  That doctor will look more closely at the amniotic sac to see if it's attached to the uterine wall yet (we could see that it had not attached as of yesterday).  If not, I imagine she'll be able to give us more information and will probably want to monitor me more closely, as well.  We'll see my regular OB three weeks after that for another ultrasound.  I can't tell you what a huge relief it is to be able to see our baby so many times in a row (four ultrasounds in the span of seven or so weeks). 

Well, that's all I can remember.  Thank you SO much for your prayers.  Keep 'em coming :)


  1. You know you, Spencer and little sweet pea are and will continue to be in our prayers. God is so faithful and good; you can see His hand in the blessing of your "dancing" ultrasound!!! It's certainly understandable that you have fears, but please don't let them mar this beautiful time. Love you.

  2. I have to go back and catch up on your posts , I didn't know you were expecting! Congratulations and God bless your family and this new sweet baby!

  3. I could not be happier if one of my kids was experiencing this. Continued blessings and love are hopefully coming for you all.
    Linda Cobb

    1. What a sweet thing to say -- thank you, Mrs. Cobb!


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