The body

**I started writing this post Monday.  It's now Thursday night, and I'm super exhausted.  If it makes you feel any better (those of you who were waiting patiently for another post--Hi Mom!  Hi Linda!), I was being productive with my time.  I finished two of the three books I mentioned previously--they.  were.  awesome.  Anywho, I need to finish this post because, y'all, I have other things floating around in my head that I'd like to write about, and I know myself.  If I gave up on this one, I wouldn't allow myself to start a new one.  So, I'm going to edit, and then I'm going to post it.  No big changes in this post. **

The church we belong to has gone through several changes in the last year.  None of them major, mind you.  But, as I'm sure you're aware, changes often make people uncomfortable, whether major or minor.  They used to make me cringe.  But God knew my change-fearing heart needed to let go.  So, He threw my way every change He could.  I jest.  A little.  Ahem.  Now, though I sometimes still feel that twinge of fear, that niggle in the back of my head, that flutter of my heart, at the prospect of something in my life changing, God makes it work out, and He gives me the strength to endure the change.  Usually, I end up ADORING what has come from the change (examples:  moving 120 miles away, teaching kindergarten, teaching third grade, getting married, teaching pre-k, becoming the librarian).

I don't always adore them.  But often.  And that says something.

Despite the changes at our church, or maybe because of the changes, I have fallen in love with our church even more.  The body of Christ I serve alongside, those people I call my friends and family, are caring, loving, beautiful believers.  I see it in their smiles, feel it in their hugs, know it in the way they serve.  I'm honored to be counted among them.

But, there does reside in us this humanness that doesn't always react well to change.  I'm guilty of this, so please don't think I'm pointing fingers.  I do know that we as believers don't all react the same way when change is thrust upon us.  But, I've found that we often react in one of two ways:  we see it as a a catalyst to move on or a reason to dig in deeper.

Packin' those bags:
I know the Holy Spirit has done that with me at least once in my life.  I was in a place that (mentally, physically, and spiritually) I felt safe and happy and content; I never wanted to leave.
And, suddenly.
One uncomfortable and ugly major event later, and I was ready to flee.  I felt a tugging on my heart to consider moving.  That one thought, accompanied by lots of prayer and many things falling into place, led me to make a major move over six years ago, and I haven't regretted it since.

Grabbin' the shovel:
I also went through another deeply uncomfortable and ugly period three and a half years ago, and instead, (though it was painful and heartbreaking and I wanted more than ever to give up) through wise and godly men and women and through the Holy Spirit's urging, I knew I had to dig deeper and rely on Him to make a way.  And He did.  Mightily.

So, when I see and hear of the changes taking place at our church, and I see and hear of people I care about moving on, I have to trust that God has urged them to make that move, that it's for their good.  I have to trust, also, that if He had wanted them to stay, He would have made a way.  Selfishly, I miss them, but I trust them to trust Him. That has made my sadness lessen some.  :)

If you want to hear our pastor's take on how to deal with the things, the changes, happening in our particular body of believers, you can check it out.  It's a little convicting...

One of the neatest things happening at our church started last Monday.  It's called 260 Live:  Learn It to Live It.  It's all about learning what God's Word says and living it out in our daily lives.  If you're interested, click here to find out more.  I am enjoying learning, and I hope I'm living it out to an even greater extent.  I really like this idea because the goal behind it is to draw the people of our church together as we delve into God's word and learn more about the Word that was made flesh and Who dwelt among us.  It's powerful, and I know God will bless that endeavor.

I've felt convicted as of late to do more.  Not because I have to do it.  Not because it will win me favor in God's eyes.  Not because it will get me into heaven (Christ has already done that for me).  I want to love deeper.  I want to see those around me through Jesus' eyes and love them with His love.  Doing the Not a Fan study opened my eyes and my heart to an incredibly important, totally (and ridiculously obvious) realization:  we are called to love.   Not to judge.  Certainly not to condemn.  Not to act righteous or unmerciful.  To love.  It's such a simple notion but such a hard task to carry out.  I'm not sure what exactly this "doing more, loving more" idea is going to look like in the flesh, but I know I MUST do it.  Jesus commanded it, and because I love Jesus, I must love His people.  All of them.  Not just the people I like, the ones that love me and are kind to me, the ones that don't annoy me.
It seems like a monumental task; alone it would be.  Thank goodness I have access to something far greater than myself:  God's immeasurable, miraculous, marvelous love.  His is more than enough.

I hope you know that love of which I speak.  If you don't, I hope you find Him soon.

It's a game-changer because He's a life-changer.

Blessings to you all!


  1. Powerfully written, sweetheart. You continue to amaze us with your insight and your ability to write from the "heart." You have always been and continue to be a tremendous blessing to us. We love you!!!


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