To Ella-With Love on Your 3rd Birthday

Happy birthday, Ella Hope!
We celebrated with mugcake and fruit for breakfast at your request. 

We had lunch with two of your favorite people and had a laid-back afternoon of watching The Lorax (which you throughly enjoyed) and playing outside (which you also enjoyed).  
You and I stayed up later than the boys reading book after book. "One more book, Mommy" is your mantra each night, and I usually give in because this time of the day is the only time that you and I have one-on-one togetherness. And I like to soak it all up. 

You are a jewel with a few rough edges that God is smoothing out each new year of your life.
You are dramatic and gentle. 
You are imaginative and loving. 
You are a fighter and a dreamer.
You love those around you fiercely and you declare your love boldly. 
You make me smile one moment and want to scream in the next. 

You are crazy and wonderful and girly and tom-boyish all in one little package wrapped with braids and usually a big bow. 

You are our Ella-Bella, and we love you so. 
Happy 3rd birthday to our sweet, feisty, beautiful girl. 💞


  1. She is getting more beautiful every day and is such a precious little girl. We love her to the moon and back. Can't wait to see how she blossoms in this coming year. Love you for being the patient and kind mother you are to your three littles.


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